Privacy Policy

Group RICAP strongly recommends reading this legal notice before starting navigation. By accessing these pages, you should be aware of the following provisions applicable to each of the documents, information, data and requirements contained therein.
The information contained in the pages of the RICAP websites is not necessarily exhaustive, complete, or updated. It is sometimes linked to external sites on which the RICAP Have no control and for which it assumes no responsibility.
It is Group RICAP objective to minimize the inconveniences caused by technical errors. However, certain data or information on our site may have been created or structured in files or formats that are not free of errors, with the consequence that we can not guarantee the non-interruption or non-disturbance of the service due to such problems.
The Group RICAP declines all responsibility for any problems arising from the consultation of this site or any external sites linked to it.

Group RICAP guarantees the privacy of any elements of personal information that users provide through this website.
RICAP sites use cookies to collect information for statistical and management purposes only.
The personal data provided by the holder in filling out forms on this site are protected by Law 67/98 of 26 October. The handling of this data is the responsibility of the Group RICAP which guarantees its confidentiality.
In accordance with Law 67/98 on the Protection of Personal Data, it is hereby advised that the data provided in forms of the RICAP sites will be stored in information systems owned by the Group RICAP .
The information collected may be accessed by the RICAP Departments or other RICAP agents / services in the performance of their duties.
All information will be used exclusively for the purposes expressed in the respective forms of collection and in no case will be available for other purposes.

This website is optimized for Microsoft Internet Explorer 10.x; Mozilla Firefox 27.x; Chrome 33.x; Safari 7.x; Or higher. A minimum resolution of 1024x800 is recommended for use in Desktops / Notebooks. It is also compatible with mobile devices (Mobile Ready).

This website complies with W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines - 1.0, WAI.

The content of this website is owned by the Group RICAP and the authors, whenever indicated. The copying and use of content for other purposes is prohibited without the express authorization of the Group RICAP.
Photographic Content © Group RICAP .

This website is designed to provide continuous service, a 24/7 basis. However, RICAP Group disclaims any liability for any service breaks, and any damages resulting from its use, as well as the service or the content of other Web sites to which links provide. RICAP Group reserves the right to make, at any time, the changes necessary to the content and features of this website.